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September Bridge Club Games

Play Bridge in September to Support North American Teams on the World Stage

September is International Fund Month! Throughout September, you can play in a variety of club-level games that support North American participation in international bridge events. A portion of the fees for each of these specially designated games will go to the International Fund.

Any time during September, face-to-face clubs can designate any regularly scheduled games as International Fund Club Games to contribute to the fund. Ask your local club manager if they will be holding this kind of special game.

From Monday, September 9, to Sunday, September 15, ACBL Virtual Clubs will automatically host International Fund Week. Play in your usual Virtual Club game to contribute and win upgraded masterpoint awards.

In the afternoon on Wednesday, September 11, will be an ACBL-wide International Fund Game. Players compete in a larger field (all participating clubs) and earn upgraded masterpoint awards. Plus, there will be printable hand records. Clubs must register for this event ahead of time, so ask your local club manager today.

The Zoom Room is available Monday through Friday, 3:30 pm-5:30 pm (Eastern).

Getting help is easier than ever with the ACBL Zoom Chat service.
Simply click the "Join Zoom Chat" button below to be taken to our dedicated zoom room.
Once there, click the "Launch Meeting" button to start your session. To hear us and vice-versa - don't forget to "Join with computer audio."

If the Zoom Room isn't available and you need answers, you can email us at

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