Scholarship Opportunities
ACBL administers several scholarships for our Junior members. These scholarships are funded through a variety of resources and have varying criteria – some are strictly based on performance at the table while others are more holistic. Qualification and application information is below.

Collegiate Bridge Bowl
The Collegiate Bridge Bowl is a tournament developed for college students to play bridge competitively with an opportunity to claim scholarships from the scholarship pool (disbursed evenly amongst team members). Scholarships are provided by the ACBL Educational Foundation.

Mitch Dunitz ACBL Collegiate Bridge Bowl Team Championship Mitch Dunitz ACBL Collegiate Bridge Bowl Team ChampionshipPair Scholarships Pair Scholarships

YNABC Scholarships
The Youth NABC is held during the Summer NABC, and is open to all ACBL Youth members (age 20 and under) with fewer than 5000 Masterpoints. Scholarships are awarded for Swiss Teams, Pairs and Sportsmanship. The Erin Berry Fund is available to help youth travel to the event.

King/Queen of Bridge Scholarship
The King or Queen of Bridge Scholarship is a merit program available to a graduating high school senior that is an ACBL member who plays and promotes bridge. The ACBL Educational Foundation will present scholarships of up to $2000 to the King or Queen of Bridge. Recent winners have been cited for outstanding tournament performances plus administrative, recreational and promotional activities related to bridge.
Apply to be the Next King/Queen of Bridge Apply to be the Next King/Queen of Bridge
The Leonard Helman Memorial Youth Scholarship
Rabbi Leonard A. Helman (1926-2013) was a staunch supporter of youth bridge and created endowment funds in Australia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Poland and the United States.
Details Details

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