2024 Retro Edition – March Week 1

What’s your call?

3♣ 3 3 3♠ 3NT
4♣ 4 4 4♠ 4NT
5♣ 5 5 5♠ 5NT
6♣ 6 6 6♠ 6NT
7♣ 7 7 7♠ 7NT
Pass Dbl
Click to reveal awards

August Boehm, Larry Cohen, Mel Colchamiro, Allan Falk, Geoff Hampson, Betty Ann Kennedy, Daniel Korbel, Mike Lawrence, Roger Lee, Jeff Meckstroth, Jill Meyers, Barry Rigal, Steve Robinson, Kerri Sanborn, Don Stack, The Sutherlins, Steve Weinstein
Don’t sell out

“Don’t like selling out when I have a singleton in the opponent’s suit,” says Robinson, who bids 3♣. “When you’re short in the opponent’s suit, you should be aggressive.”

3♣ insists Colchamiro. “Partner didn’t double, so no way I’m passing and giving them the two level. We should have a fit in hearts or clubs. If I had a big card in diamonds instead of hearts, I might choose to double, but this hand feels better for offense than defense.”

3♣ from Cohen. “It is against my religion to let them play in an eight-card fit on the two level.”

Boehm is a 3♣er. “We should have an eight-card fit in either hearts or clubs. If partner has one heart, he holds five clubs, assuming that with 1=4=4=4, he opens 1 .”

As is Korbel: “Passing out 2♠ when the opponents have a known fit is not sensible matchpoint strategy. We will always have an eight-card fit on this auction. Partner will be 4=1=3=5 or, at worst, 4=2=3=4, so I will offer him a choice between hearts and clubs.”

Sanborn bids 3♣. “They have at least eight spades, and we should have that many clubs (unless partner opened 1♣ with 4=1=4=4). Can’t let them play at the two level. Double should show at least one more spade and lets partner know it is OK to pass with four trumps.”

Weinstein vacillates between 3♣ and double, and chooses double. “I’m not selling out white versus white at matchpoints with 16 total trumps (partner has to have either two hearts or five clubs) and a max for my previous bidding. Double lets partner choose to defend with a good spade holding and a stiff heart.”

Lee doubles (takeout). “If partner sits this out, he’ll probably be 4=1=3=5 with decent spades, and we’ll have reasonable chances on defense. If he pulls to 3♣ or 3, I’m not unhappy.”

Hampson doubles. “Hopefully partner pulls us into a plus or has enough that we can nip them two if we make anything and one if we can’t.”

Double by Kennedy: “Having already limited my hand, the double is card showing.”

Falk re-enters the auction with a double. “I’m very close to passing — but partner may be 4=1=4=4 with decent clubs and finessable diamonds, and we will not do well. But whether 2♠ scores plus 110 or minus 50, it rates to be poor matchpoint-wise, so I’ll see if partner thinks we should raise the stakes or play 3♣.”

Lawrence passes — the only pass by a panelist this month. “If partner has five clubs (likely), then making 3♣ is possible. This hand is not as good as it looks, however. If the defense can lead clubs or switch to clubs, my hand may not produce much. If I did bid, double would be my choice.”

Rigal solos with 2NT. “Yes, we could score easily enough for bidding 3♣, but because we chose 2 — not double or 2NT — at our previous turn, we get to help partner pick between clubs and hearts. He can even pass 2NT with, e.g.,

♠K J x Q Q J x x ♣K 10 9 x x.”

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