Bridge In Ireland
This summer I enjoyed a two-week Irish holiday with a group led by Randy Baron, the founder of Baron Barclay Bridge Supply, now coordinating overseas trips especially for bridge players. (See

Dlr: South ♠ A K J 3
Vul: All 9 6 4
J 4
♣ Q J 10 7
♠ 9 4 ♠ Q 8 6 5 2
8 2 K 10 7 3
K 9 8 6 5 3 A Q 7 2
♣ A 4 2 ♣ —
♠ 10 7
A Q J 5
♣ K 9 8 6 5 3
West North East South
1♣ Dbl 1
2 2(!) 3 4
All Pass

Opening lead 6
At a Belfast club, Baron was today’s declarer. North should have passed at her second turn, but when she raised to 2, Baron bid game.
Baron ruffed the second diamond, led a spade to dummy and returned a trump to his jack. He next had to start the clubs; when trump control is an issue, as here, declarer should attack a side suit early.

Making Four

West won, and when East discarded, West hastily led another club. East ruffed and led a spade, but Baron won in dummy, picked up all the trumps and claimed.
The defense slipped. Declarer’s play suggests that his trump holding is tenuous, so when West takes the ♣A, he should plug away at diamonds. Declarer cannot succeed. The defense also wins if West leads a spade or if East refuses to ruff the second club.

Daily Question

You hold: ♠10 7   A Q J 5   10    ♣K 9 8 6 5 3.
Your partner opens 1. The next player passes. What do you say?

Your hand is strong enough to respond 2♣ but not to bid 2 next (a new suit, hence unlimited in strength) if partner rebids, say, 2. When you hold only moderate strength, look for a major-suit fit. Bid 1. If partner rebids 2, you must leave your clubs on the shelf and pass.

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