Go For It

♠ A 6
Q 7 4
A K Q 4
♣ K 7 3 2
♠ J 7 5 4
A K 6 5 2
8 6
♣ A 5
West North East South
2♠ 3♠ Pass 4
Pass 4♠ Pass 5♣
Pass 6 All Pass

You open the bidding with a bare minimum – you do have three quick tricks – and soon find yourself in a somewhat iffy slam. West leads the ♠K. Can you justify your partner’s confidence and aggressive bidding?


After the opening lead, declarer saw that even with trumps 3-2 he would have only 11 top tricks. After rejecting as hopeless the idea of ruffing a spade in dummy and acknowledging that the likelihood of a squeeze in spades and a minor suit against West was only fractionally better, declarer saw the answer: a dummy-reversal elopement.

Declarer won with the ♠A and cashed the ace and king of trumps, followed by the ♣A and ♣K. After ruffing a club, declarer returned to dummy with a diamond to the queen to lead a fourth round of clubs. East followed suit and declarer ruffed. Next, declarer cashed the A and K, then ruffed dummy’s fourth diamond with his last trump. Declarer had made 11 tricks: the ♠A, five trumps and five minor-suit tops and still had the master trump queen to come for the contract-fulfilling winner. Declarer’s plan had a little less than a 50-50 chance of succeeding, but was his best available chance.

♠ A 6
Q 7 4
A K Q 4
♣ K 7 3 2
♠ K Q 10 9 8 2
9 3 2
♣ Q 10 6
♠ 3
J 10 9 3
J 10 7 5
♣ J 9 8 4
♠ J 7 5 4
A K 6 5 2
8 6
♣ A 5

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