Port takes 0–2500 Swiss

Winners of the 0–2500 Swiss Teams: Barry Port, Susan Port, Ken Lowenstein and Harriet Goldman

The team captained by Barry Port narrowly won the 0–2500 Swiss Teams on Wednesday. Barry and Susan Port of Atlantic Beach NY played with Ken Lowenstein of Forest Hills NY and Harriet Goldman of Melville NY. It was the first limited national win for all.

The Port team led the event from the second match of Tuesday’s first qualifying session on, earning a carryover of 24.02 victory points. They faced the Turcotte team that had been on their heels since round six Tuesday in the final round. Stephane Turcotte of St.-Laurent QC played with Johanne Sevigny of Westmount QC, Jean La Traverse and Josette Levesque, both of Montreal. The Turcotte team won the final match, but not by enough. Port emerged with 128.35 VPs to Turcotte’s 126.81.




Second in the 0–2500 Swiss Teams: captain Stephane Turcotte, Johanne Sevigny, Josette Levesque and Jean La Traverse

The Port team has been playing together for 15 years, switching partners from one match to the next. “We each played with each other three times,” Barry Port said.

“Sue was the MVP of the tournament for us,” said Lowenstein.

“She made two doubled contracts,” Goldman explained – 2*C* and 2*S*. This is why they tell you not to double partscores at teams unless you’re sure.

They were pleased with their victory. Said Lowenstein: “Even I’m happy, and I normally don’t give a s—.”





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