Retro Edition

IMPs. Both vulnerable.
♠A Q 10 6 4 3 2   K J 8 6 3   –   ♣Q

1 Michaels cuebid

West North East South
1 21
Pass 2 Pass ?
2♠ 2NT
3♣ 3 3 3♠ 3NT
4♣ 4 4 4♠ 4NT
5♣ 5 5 5♠ 5NT
6♣ 6 6 6♠ 6NT
7♣ 7 7 7♠ 7NT
Pass Dbl

What’s your call?

Click to reveal awards
Bid Award
2♠ 50
2♠ 40
3 25
3 20
For yesterday’s It’s Your Call deal (from March 2010’s Bridge Bulletin), 3♠ was named top bid.
A Michaels cuebid is typically 5–5, but it’s not unusual to do so with 6–5. What about 7–5?
“Yes, I agree with the Michaels cuebid because it gets both suits into the auction immediately,” said Don Stack.
“Yes,” said Steve Robinson. “Bid Michaels, then bid spades to show a good hand with five hearts and longer spades.”
“Yes, I agree,” said Karen Walker. “It’s not a classic, but it’s the only way to get both suits into the auction and still be able to show extra spade length.”
Other panelists agreed with similar reasons or made no comments. Probably most of those who agree, felt like Larry Cohen: “I prefer these agree/disagree questions to be: “Can you live with 2?,” he said.
This comment from Linda and Robb Gordon supported that sentiment: “We agree, but we would consider 1♠.”
Barry Rigal disagreed the strongest. “The right approach is to bid spades, then jump in hearts to whatever level the auction suggests,” he said.
Even though bidding Michaels and then rebidding 2♠ (after partner bids 2), shows a strong hand, 10 experts felt that didn’t do it justice, and rebid 3♠.
“3♠ shows a good hand with long spades and exactly five hearts,” said Steve Robinson.
“3♠ describes a hand that wants to play game in a major with longer and stronger spades than hearts,” said Peggy and John Sutherlin. “Who knows? Partner may be 2–2 in the majors.”
“My plan after bidding 2 was to bid spades next,” said Cohen, “so it is just a question of how many. Because we are vulnerable at IMPs, I will do more than bid 2♠ by bidding 3♠.”
“2♠ would show extra values with longer spades, but not this much playing strength,” said Karen Walker. “By bidding 3♠, partner should know to bid game with any excuse.”
Some experts thought 2♠ was strong enough.
“By bidding 2♠, I am trying for game with at least six spades and five hearts,” said Jeff Meckstroth. “This gives partner a chance to keep us low if he has 1–2 in the majors.”
“2♠ is a game try and maybe partner can cooperate,” said Kay and Randy Joyce.
Others chose 2♠ and gave similar reasons.
It’s interesting that the opponents are silent. Partner should have some values, but are they useful? Bidding either 2♠ or 3♠ shows a strong hand with longer spades. Which you choose depends on how aggressive you want to be.

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