Retro Edition

IMPs. Both vulnerable.
♠Q 9 3   J 9 8 6 5   —   ♣K 9 8 6 2

West North East South
Pass 1♣ Dbl 1
Pass 2 Pass ?
2 2♠ 2NT
3♣ 3 3 3♠ 3NT
4♣ 4 4 4♠ 4NT
5♣ 5 5 5♠ 5NT
6♣ 6 6 6♠ 6NT
7♣ 7 7 7♠ 7NT
Pass Dbl

What’s your call?

Click to reveal awards
Bid Award
3♣ 100
4♣ 80
5♣ 40
2 10
2♠ 10
For yesterday’s It’s Your Call deal (from September 2010’s Bridge Bulletin), 3♣ was named top bid.
After partner reverses, your weak hand starts looking pretty good. Of course, you want to raise clubs, but to what level?
Ten experts bid a minimum 3♣.
“Maybe I should bid 4♣ or 5♣, but it seems best to save bidding space,” said Jeff Meckstroth.
“We’re in a game force, so let’s see where partner is headed,” said August Boehm.
“3♣ shows a good hand with club support,” said Steve Robinson.
“My first thought was to bid 4♣,” said Kerri Sanborn, “but I could have quite a useful hand. It won’t be easy to de¬scribe, but I can bid 5♣ later.”
“5♣ would be a better description of this support,” said Karen Walker, “but it also denies outside controls. I think the void, even though it’s in partner’s suit, makes the hand too strong.”
“I could rebid the five-card major, but I’m bidding 3♣ with super trump support,” said Don Stack. “We could easily have a club slam.”
“3♣ is forcing and we don’t see why the intervening takeout double changes that,” said Linda and Robb Gordon.
“3♣ is forcing,” agreed Betty Ann Kennedy. “When I’m offered a choice of rebidding my suit or raising my partner, I nearly always raise.”
“3♣ does not go past 3NT or bar partner from bidding 3 next,” said Allan Falk. “I want to stress my club support.”
Five experts jump to 4♣. Even though 3♣ is forcing, they feel that 4♣ is the way to emphasize the club support.
“4♣ clears up any confusion as to what the trump suit is and whether we will reach game,” said Peggy and John Sutherlin. “Partner is likely to cuebid over 4*♣. When we return to 5♣, he should get the picture.”
“4♣ is natural and forcing,” said Barry Rigal. “Slam makes facing some pretty minimum hands such as:
♠A 7 2 4 A K 5 4 ♣A 10 5 4 3, for example.”
Allan Falk suggested a similar hand.
“4♣ shows a real club raise,” said Mike Lawrence. “I am not interested in 3NT, but I am interested in 6♣ if partner cooperates.”
“The jump is the best way to let partner know you have lots of trumps,” agreed Kay and Randy Joyce.
“My clubs are now awesome,” said Larry Cohen. “I’m not worried about a possible 3NT contract.”
Two experts bid 5♣.
“Unusual hands call for unusual bids,” said Mel Colchamiro. “5♣ just feels right.”
“I prefer 5♣, but don’t mind 4♣,” said Jill Meyers. “Partner will play me for lots of distribution.”
Bidding 3♣ is a wait-and-see approach. It shows club support and keeps the bidding low. Those going that route wanted to see what partner does next.
Bidding 4♣ emphasizes the trump support. They hoped partner can then take charge.
Bidding 5♣ also emphasizes the trump support, but denies anything to control bid. They weren’t willing to show the diamond control because partner bid the suit.

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