Retro Edition

IMPs. Both vulnerable.
♠A Q 9 8   A 6 4  J   ♣K Q J 10 7

West North East South
1 Dbl
Pass 2 Pass ?
2 2♠ 2NT
3♣ 3 3 3♠ 3NT
4♣ 4 4 4♠ 4NT
5♣ 5 5 5♠ 5NT
6♣ 6 6 6♠ 6NT
7♣ 7 7 7♠ 7NT
Pass Dbl

What’s your call?

Click to reveal awards
Bid Award
3♣ 100
3 90
2♠ 50
4 10
For yesterday’s It’s Your Call deal (from October 2010’s Bridge Bulletin), 3♣ was named top bid.
After a cuebid by a takeout doubler’s partner, the doubler is generally expected to bid his lower four-card major. This hand is an exception, however, because it contains extra values.
“3♣,” said Barry Rigal. “For slam purposes, clubs might be much better than spades. The 2 call is forcing to a suit agreement, so we are effectively in a game force. If partner bids 3♠, I’ll cuebid. If he rebids 3, I’ll bid 3*♠.”
“My partner’s 2 promised another bid,” said Jill Meyers. “If partner bids 3 after my 3♣ bid, I’ll try 3♠ next.”
“We are going places, but we don’t know where yet,” said Linda and Robb Gordon. “We’ll bide our time with 3♣. The 2 bid promises another bid below game.”
“I choose 3♣ and will bid spades next,” said August Boehm. “Partner’s cuebid promises another bid.”
“3♣,” agreed Larry Cohen. “There’s no rush to do anything unusual. This is forcing to notrump or a suit agreement — otherwise it’s impossible to bid intelligently.”
“3♣,” said Karen Walker. “No reason to jump or make a vague ‘return cuebid,’ as partner absolutely promises another bid. A 2♠ bid would be best for sorting out major-suit fits, but 3♣ rates to get us to the best slam, if it’s there.”
Even though it takes up bidding room, six experts bid 3. They don’t want to risk an accident.
Kerri Sanborn: “I have a very good hand, so let’s get the force established. These sequences are not well-defined in standard bridge.”
Kitty and Steve Cooper: “Let’s set a game force with this hand and proceed from there. Slam is a serious possibility, although a 3NT rebid by North would slow us down.”
Don Stack: “A jump to 3♠ does not do justice to this hand. The cuebid followed by a spade bid will show the strength. We could have slam if North has as little as:
♠K 7 4 3  K 9 4 2   7 5 2   ♣A 6.”
Kay and Randy Joyce: “We will work with partner to find the best strain after making a cuebid to show extra values.”
Peggy and John Sutherlin: “3 creates a game force. When we continue with 3♠ in response to partner’s expected 3bid, we will be suggesting that slam is possible. Partner may hold: ♠K J 4 2   K 8 7 3   8 7 3   ♣A 5, which makes 6♠, even if trumps divide 4–1.”
Four experts bid their lower four-card major.
“2♠,” said Steve Robinson. “Partner promises another bid, and his cuebid asks me to bid my lower four-card major.”
“Partner must bid again over my 2♠,” agreed Jeff Meckstroth.
“North is usually looking for a four-card major,” said Mike Lawrence, “and I have one. I could bid 3♣, but that turns a simple auction into a complex one.”
“I don’t like 3♣ because that would deny four spades,” said Mel Colchamiro. “2♠ is forcing because partner promises another bid.”
There was one outlier.
“4,” said Allan Falk. “I want to splinter. After that, I can correct partner’s 4to 4♠, and North will know I also have clubs and a slammish hand. I could bid 3, but I want to send a definite slam signal, yet give partner leeway if 2 was a pushy bid.”
When partner promises another bid, keep the bidding low.

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