Study: Share your lockdown experience

In these extraordinary times of covid-19, the Bridge: A Mind Sport for All research team at the University of Stirling (led by Prof. Samantha Punch) is looking for volunteers to document their experiences of bridge during the pandemic.
If you are a bridge player, bridge teacher, tournament director, manager/owner of a bridge club, bridge club committee member and/or part of a national or regional bridge organization, the researchers are interested in hearing your views.
Participants can choose to submit either a one-off account of the ways covid-19 has changed your participation and engagement with bridge; weekly journal entries documenting the changes; or a series of accounts during and after lockdown.
Your account can (but does not need to) cover the following:
– Challenges and problems that have arisen due to covid-19 and your engagement with bridge (and if applicable, how you have addressed these or might address them).
– Positive opportunities and changes that have occurred due to covid-19 and your engagement with bridge.
– Changes over time from early social distancing to peak lockdown through to post-lockdown and which lockdown changes might be incorporated longer-term.
– Anything else that you think is important due to covid-19 and your bridge life.
Anyone interested in participating should read the guidance notes for participants available here. Send your diary entries to

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