Wagar Women’s Pairs Winners

Cole–Rimstedt narrowly win Wagar Women’s Pairs

Wagar Women’s Pairs winners Margie Cole and Sandra Rimstedt.

Margie Cole and Sandra Rimstedt topped the field in the Wagar Women’s Pairs, winning the four-session contest by .32 matchpoints over runners-up Amy Casanova and Arti Bhargava.

This is the second NABC title for Cole who won the Smith Life Master Women’s Pairs at the Spring NABC this year in Reno. Rimstedt has won two previous NABC titles: the 2016 NABC+ Mixed Swiss Teams, and the 2015 Marsha May Sternberg Women’s BAM Teams.

Cole of New York City and Rimstedt of Jupiter FL, who finished third in Monday’s qualifying round, scored 55.95% in the first final session and 58.38% in the second to finish with a four-session total of 616.42 matchpoints.

Irina Kislitsyna of Bradenton FL and Bella Ionis-Sorren of Fort Lauderdale FL.

Runners-up were Irina Kislitsyna of Bradenton FL and Bella Ionis-Sorren of Fort Lauderdale FL with 616.08 matchpoints.

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