Youngest Life Master

Andrew Chen

Andrew Chen of San Jose CA became the youngest Life Master ever on May 27, just three days after turning 8. He broke the record held by Zach Garrison by more than a year. That record was set in 2012, shortly before Andrew was born.
Andrew was the 2019 Rookie of the Year, winning the Mini-McKenney for the 0 to 5 bracket. He joined the ACBL in late 2018 after attending a Silicon Valley Youth Bridge pizza party out of curiosity.
Andrew had a busy month, earning more than 35 masterpoints in the three weeks before making Life Master. Those include 10.32 silver points from virtual clubs games held during Silver Linings Week, 1.05 black points, 10.23 other online points and 14 points from the District 21 Grand National Teams.
As of the last cycle, he needed 28.35 points including 8.64 silver. On Wednesday, he was down to just 0.12 silver. He played in the virtual club game hosted by Think Slam in Palo Alto, picking up 1.8 silver.

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