Stein squad wins 10K Swiss

Winners of the 0–10,000 Swiss Teams: Steve Arshan, Rich Ross, captain Peter Stein and Len Helfgott.

The team captained by Peter Stein won the 0–10,000 Swiss Teams on Saturday. After qualifying in second place Friday, the team of Stein, Len Helfgott, Steve Arshan and Rich Ross, all of New Jersey, led throughout the day and closed with two big rounds to win by more than 14 victory points.
In second were Friday’s leaders, the Pennsylvania team of Deepak Khanna, Tom Kriz, John Botzum and Miriam Harris-Botzum. The top two teams started the day with almost identical carryover, separated by just .42 VPs, both with a lead of more than 6 on the rest of the field.
Stein noted that everyone on his team would have been eligible to play in the event if the limit had been as low as 6000. Their final score was 134.37.

Second in the 0–10,000 Swiss Teams: Tom Kriz, Miriam Harris-Botzum, John Botzum and captain Deepak Khanna.

“We just played solidly throughout the whole event,” Stein said. “We only lost two matches, and we had a good two last rounds,” winning those matches by more than 20 IMPs. Noting they’d been leading all day, Arshan added, “It’s not a position we’re used to.”
Arshan and Ross won the Grand National Teams Flight C in 1993. It is the first NABC win for Stein and Helfgott.
Sixteen teams made the overalls, which pay 10 percent platinum points.
Results may be found here.

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