The Inference

Goren Bridge

Bob Jones

Dlr: South ♠ 3
Vul: None J 8 6 5
A K 8 2
♣ K 8 6 3
♠ 7 5 2 ♠ 9 6
A K 10 7 4 Q 3 2
J 9 7 Q 10 6 5 4
♣ Q 7 ♣ 9 4 2
♠ A K Q J 10 8 4
♣ A J 10 5
South West North East
1♠ Pass 1NT Pass
3♣* Pass 3** Pass
4♠ Pass 5 Pass
5 Pass 6♠ All Pass

*Game force with either spades, spades and hearts, or spades and clubs
Opening lead: A
Today’s deal features a modern bidding gadget that is growing in popularity. The jump to 4♠s promised a solid suit. North’s five-diamond bid showed a diamond control while denying a first-round club control at the same time. South’s 5 bid showed a heart control and it also showed a club control. Why keep trying if neither partner held a control in clubs?
West wisely shifted to a diamond after his A lead held the trick. He trusted South’s heart cue bid to show only one heart. Had he continued with he K, South would have been able to ruff out East’s Q for his 12th trick. After the shift, South had to find the ♣Q to land his contract.
South won the diamond switch, cashed another high diamond discarding a club, and ruffed a diamond. He then started running his spades. This was the position with one spade to go:

Dlr: South ♠ —
Vul: None J
♣ K 8
♠ — ♠ —
A 10
♣ Q 7 ♣ 9 4 2
♠ 4
♣ A J 10

The ♠4 was cashed, West and North throwing hearts. When East parted with a club, South inferred that the clubs were now 2-2, so he banged down the ace and king to make his slam. Well done!

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